Monday, November 7, 2011

Touro University Graduation

Sunday Nov 6, 2011 was a huge day for Ricky, Erika and their little family. After 2 and 1/2 years and an extreme amount of effort Ricky has completed all classwork, passed all tests and requirements and was presented for his Masters in Physcian Assistant studies by the faculity at Touro Univeristy. Ricky was honored with a special award before the official excercises in front of his classmates with the first "Richard C Tebbs" award which will now be awarded by Touro each year to a student who shows outstanding grit and determination as Ricky has done. He recieved a special placque for this and great recognition by his classmates.

Moving on to the actual Commencement ceremony Ricky was one of just 4 classmates out of his entire class of 53 to recieve election to the Pi Alpha Honor Society for outstanding scholarship and recogniton in the PA School national arena. This was a surprise to Rick but not to us and we are so proud that he recieved this award in the Commencement program.

The most touching moment came when his name was announced and he walked across the stage and recieved his Diploma. Dr. Padgett gave him a hug instead of the usual handshake and his entire class gave him a standing ovation. Most in the audience also rose to their feet which told me his classmates had told his story to their families. All of us there were very touched and there were many wet eyes in that room. Ricky had many family members and friends there and it was just a very tender moment. After the ceremonies his family gathered round for pictures including his three little ones. Erika and the kids were so proud of their Dad and it was great to see their happiness. Hallee in particular was so glad to see her Dad "get done with PA School".

I would like to comment on how far Rick has come and how hard he has worked. PA school is not easy for anyone and his classmates in their talks mentioned the difficulties, stress, commitment, and struggle they had to get through this rigorous program. (The class President even mentioned Rick as her idol as she struggled to get through PA School and watched him achieve it as well.) For Ricky to do it with the family issues, his cancer, two surgeries, chemotherapy and all that he has been through is beyond remarkable. I would have to say it is and was a heroic effort in the face of extreme adversity. I have watched him study in our little extra bedroom night after night when everyone else was relaxing, going to movies, etc. and his family had all gone to bed. He has written and rewritten his required history and physical write-ups, sometimes many times to get them up to par. He has read, and studied, and struggled, and practiced, and just put his whole heart and soul into these studies. I have also seen a transformation as he now has gained the knowledge that a Masters in PA studies needs to be able to go out and serve in the medical arena. He has earned it and having worked with him during this process I can truely say he is ready and prepared to serve in this chosen profession. I have been so impressed with Rick and his desires and his efforts. I have also observed that he has a great love for medicine and I believe he will serve well in the field.

He has just one more step to take which he has been working extremely hard to prepare for. He takes his PA Boards exam on Nov 15. When he passes that, which he will, he will then be eligble for complete licensure as a PA. Then comes the fun part.......finding a job and earning some bucks. He and Erika are both looking forward to that. After all these years of school he is prepared and ready to join the work force. What a wonderful story this all is. This closes another chapter in the book of Rick's life and we now look forward to see what life holds for the Tebbs family as the next chapter begins. Rick we are all so pleased for you and so proud of you. Congratulations!!!!!!!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ricky Finishes Chemo !!!!!!

It has been a long winter for Ricky, Erika and the kids. Now after 12 full treatments of chemotherapy Dr Haslem has called it good. The protocol was to treat for 12 full months and then follow closely. So far the CT scans show no recurrance of disease. With this tumor you can never say it is fully cured so you just go on with life. We are so proud of Ricky as he has been able to finish 2 months of Family Practice, 1 Month of Ob-Gyn, 2 months of Internal Medicine, 1 month of Surgery, one month of ER and 1 month of Pediatrics all while taking his chemo during one full week of each month. He has been very sick at times, and each month loses weight durning the chemo week yet he keeps on plugging away. He is currently taking a Psychology rotation followed by a Community Health month. After that it is a couple of electives and he is done in October! The end is in site. We are all so pleased to be at this point. It is really quite an accomplishment to be able to stay in school and take chemotherapy every 28 days.

The family is all so proud of Ricky. He has shown great courage and persistant determination to be able to stay in school while continuing his chemo. All of us that have been close, have been able to watch and relate, and yet have not been able to help him much. We are just so happy for this milestone now to be passed. It is going to be wonderful to see Rick enjoy life and not have a terrible week each month. It really has been an ordeal yet I have never really heard a complaint. Ricky you are the man.

One more "Little Note". In reviewing all of this it turns out I never reported on Ricky's surgery. A few months ago Rick noticed some upper abdomnal pain which was hard to explain with just the chemo. A long story made short, we sent him to the good Dr Wintch who removed his gall bladder complete with stones. Dr Wintch did that in between his chemo schedule so he would have maximum protection and healing time. It was a tough surgery but Rick came home quickly and healed very well. He is now back doing all his normal activities. What a story this all is. Any good screen writers out there? This would make for a powerful movie.

Rick it is the movie and story of your life. We know you are looking to finishing your rotations in October and then taking and passing your Boards. It is upward and onward from there. We are grateful to you for the fine example you are to all of us. We all wish you luck and blessings over the next few weeks and months.